Village History |
what3words location - ///talker.dries.structure |
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c.1955 with the school bell still in situ |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1932 |
A meeting of members was held in the Club Room on Monday 11th January 1932. The Rev. A. M. Auden was in the chair. The Secretary reported a balance of £1-10s-6d. Mr. D. W. Hagen was elected President and the following were proposed as Vice-Presidents - Mr. T. A. Cook M.P. ; Mr. G. Lockhart-Ross ; Captain J. M. Mee ; Mr. R. Deterling ; Mr. J. Hagen ; Mr. L. Mallett The Committee was made up as -
Signed: A. M. Auden - 9th October 1933 |
The quality soon deteriorated, as can be seen on the final entry - below, made on 28th March 1934
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1933 |
The annual general meeting of members was held in the Club Room at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 19th October 1933. The Rev. A. M. Auden was elected Chairman and Mr. S. Clarke as Secretary. President - Mr. D. W. Hagen Vice Presidents - Re-elected en-bloc with the addition of Rev. A. M. Auden, Mr. R. Mack, Lady Noel Buxton and Lord Rothermere. Committee
Subscription: 2/- for the season and 2d. per 100 for a game of billiards. Mr. P. Dann proposed and Mr. G. Doy seconded that a subscription fund should be arranged for an outing later on. This found favour with those present and Mr. B. Dann was appointed Treasurer and Secretary of this fund. Signed: A. M. Auden, 10th October 1934 |
do not show up in the accounts and it is thus a possibility that one or more individuals paid out their own pockets. |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1934 |
The annual general meeting of members was held in the Club Room at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 10th October 1934.
Eleven members were in attendance. The Rev. A. M. Auden was voted to the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. S. Clarke produced the Balance Sheet that showed a balance in hand of £3-8s-10d. This was considered satisfactory, and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Clarke for his past services and regret expressed that he could not see his way to continue to act as secretary. Mr. D. W. Hagen proposed and was seconded by Mr. Clarke that Mr. George Doy should be appointed and he consented to do so. Captain J. T. Mee was elected President as proposed by Mr. D. W. Hagen and seconded by Mr. S. Clarke. Vice Presidents - Mr. Cook M.P. ; Lady Noel Buxton ; Lord Rothermere ; J. Lockhart-Ross Esq. ; Mr. J. Hagen ; Mr. D. W. Hagen The Committee was elected -
The hours of opening were fixed at 6.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. The subscription was fixed as before at 2/- for the season and 3d. per hundred for billiards. The question of repairing the billiard table was then discussed and also replacing the balls. Mr. Hagen was commissioned to make enquiries in Norwich and Mr. G. Doy to enquire about the balls in Holt. Mrs. Clarke was appointed cleaner as proposed by Mr. G. Doy and seconded by Mr. Hagen. It was decided to open the room on Thursday 11th October - members to pay their subscription by the end of the month and a member of the committee might receive such subscription on their night in the case of the absence of the secretary. The Club was not to be opened when whist drives and dances were being held in the Village Hall. |
Committee Meeting Minutes - believed to be 1934 |
A Committee meeting was held on 1st November.
Mr. D. W. Hagen was in the chair as Rev. A. M. Auden was on holiday. The meeting was to discuss and arrange means to raise money for a new set of billiard balls. A whist drive was held in the Club Room on 8th November. The whist drive - 10½ tables at 9d per person amounted to £1-13-0d leaving 10/- in hand. Signed: A. M. Auden - 19th October 1935 |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1935 |
An Annual General Meeting was held at 7.30 p.m. on 7th October in the Club Room.
Only six members were present - Messrs. G. Doy (Secretary); F. Doy; S. Clarke; R. West and the Rev. A. M. Auden. The Minutes of the last general and committee meetings were read and signed. The Rev. Auden was chosen to take the chair. The balance sheet was then produced by the Secretary, which showed a balance in hand of £6.12.1d. Receipts £13-9-0. Expenditure £6-16-11d. These accounts were passed and the Secretary was congratulated on his success. Mr. G. Doy was asked to continue to act as Secretary. Proposed by Mr. Clarke and seconded by Mr. F. Doy. Before fixing the day for opening the Club for the season it was decided that the recovering of the billiard table should be undertaken. Two estimates were provided by the Secretary. Strutt for £8-15-0d. and Pickering for £4-10-0d. Mr. Clarke proposed and seconded by R. West that Pickerings be accepted and the work put in hand as soon as possible. Mrs. S. Clarke was re-appointed as cleaner of the room. Proposed by G. Doy and seconded by T. Doy. Owing to the fewness of members present, the appointing of the committee had to be deferred till a fuller meeting. This was fixed for Thursday 24th October. Signed: A. W. Auden - 24th October 1935 |
Committee Meeting Minutes 1935 |
An meeting of members was held at 7.30 p.m. on 24th October.
These were present - W. Cheney; B. Scarff; A. Bacon; B. Doy; F. Doy; B. Dann; G. Doy (Secretary) and the Rev. A. W. Auden. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed The members of the committee were then elected as follows -
B. Dann that a trial for a month should be made. G. Doy offered to be responsible for this night. The night for opening the room for the season was to be Oct 28th; the subscription to be as before 2/- for the season and 2d. per hundred for the billiard table. It was proposed that a billiard tournament should be held during the season. Some new games were thought necessary - a new pack of cards and some darts being specially mentioned. The chairman appealed to members to be careful in their treatment of the furniture. Signed: A. M. Auden - 14th October 1936 |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1936 |
A meeting of members of the club was held in the Club Room at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 14th October 1936.
These were present. Capt. J. T. M. Mee; Messrs. James Whitton; S. Clarke; B. Doy; W. Cheney; G. Doy; W. Whitton and the Secretary, Mr. G. Doy. The vicar being in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary produced the Balance Sheet for 1935-1936 showing - Receipts £15-1-10d. and expenses £13-0-3d. Balance £2-1-7d. Captain Mee, seconded by Mr. Clarke congratulated the Secretary on these accounts and proposed a vote of thanks to him - carried unanimously - the Secretary thanked the members and also the committee who had supported him so well during last season. The officers were then elected. The Rev. A. M. Auden - Chairman. President: Captain J. T. M. Mee. The Vice-presidents were re-elected en-bloc and Mr. John Hagen jnr. to take the place of the late Mr. John Hagen. Mr. G. Doy was elected Secretary (proposed by Mr. Clarke; seconded Capt. Mee) Committee -
Mrs. Clarke was re-appointed cleaner. The Secretary stated that some new games were required and asked that the clock might be repaired or a new one bought. He was asked to enquire whether the existing clock could not be made to go. The subscription was fixed as before 2/- for the season and 2d. per 100 for the billiard table, 2d per evening for non members. It was proposed to hold a billiard tournament during the season - an American and a knock-out tournament, arrangements for which were left to the committee. The Rev. A. M. Auden offered to give a billiard cue for one of these and Captain Mee offered a cup to be held for one year by the winner who might win it outright if successful three consecutive years. Captain Mee laid down certain conditions to be observed for the conduct of the tournament, which were entrusted to the secretary. The day fixed for the opening of the room was Monday 19th October - hours 6.00 to 9.30 p.m. Signed: A. M. Auden - 6th October 1937 |
Captain J. T. M. Mee
Committee Meeting Minutes 1936 |
A Committee Meeting was held in the club room on Friday 27th October 1936 to arrange what nature of tournament The Mees Cup was to be run on. The Rev. A. M. Auden in the chair. It was proposed by Mr. J. Whitton seconded by Mr. B. Doy that an American tournament for the Mees Cup with a free entrance for members only.
Also proposed by Mr. Clarke seconded by J. Whitton that rule 4 to be settled by the club for this year only. The Secretary brought forward various things required, first repairs to lamp, also a new billiards cue rack. It was left to the Secretary to see into the matter and get lamp repaired as cheap as possible. |
Committee Meeting Minutes 1936 |
A Committee Meeting was held in the club room at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 24th November 1936.
The Rev. Auden in the chair. The Secretary brought forward estimates for the dart board and cue racks and about opening the room on Saturday nights. After being proposed by Mr. S. Clarke, seconded by Mr. J. Whitton the committee decided to buy a cue rack to hold 6 cues from Mr. Basham and a new plastic dart board from Rounce & Wortley. The Secretary mentioned about re-opening the room on Saturday nights. The committee agreed to this and the Secretary to be responsible for this night. Signed: A. M. Auden - 31st January 1937 |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1937 |
A meeting of members of the club was held in the Club Room at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 6th October 1937.
Present: F. Chenery; James Whitton; W. Whitton; B. Scarff; S. Clarke; W. Chenery and R. Dann with the Vicar in the chair an G. Doy, Secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary brought forward the balance sheet of the last year - Receipts £13-3-11d. Expenses £9-14-6d. Balance in hand of £3-9-5d. The election of officers was next proceeded with. Chairman - Rev. A. M. Auden Secretary - Mr. G. Doy Proposed by S. Clarke; seconded W. Whitton - carried unanimously. President - Captain J. T. M. Mee. The vice-presidents were re-elected en-bloc. Committee - to act on the following evenings
Mrs. Clarke was re-appointed cleaner.
Mr. G. Doy made the suggestion that the subscription should be raised from 2/- to 2/6d but when the proposition was put to the vote it was rejected by 6 votes to 2, thus the old rate stands - viz: 2/- for the season; 2d. per hundred for the billiards and 2d. per night for non-members. Several needs for the coming season were then mentioned: 1. The need of a new lamp for the billiard table 2. Repairs to the clock 3. A card of rules for the billiards The Secretary was asked to make the necessary enquiries for each of these needs, and make a report of the results of his enquiries. It was decided to hold an American tournament for the cup presented by Captain Mee - this would be played by handicap. It was decided to open the room for the season on Thursday 7th October 1937. Signed: A. M. Auden - 20th October 1938 |
Annual General Meeting Minutes 1938 |
A meeting was summoned for 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 20th October 1938.
The War Savings Certificates are in the hand of the Vicar as Chairman. |
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