sign Hempstead


All Saints Church
Monumental Inscriptions

what3words location - ///paces.vegans.hissing



A survey of the monumental inscriptions in Hempstead Churchyard was undertaken in order to document as many of the graves as possible.
Grateful acknowledgements are therefore due to -
David Durst - Survey and preparation of churchyard plans
Mrs. A. Culverwell - Surveyor and recording of inscriptions
Mrs. C. Harmer - Line drawing of the church in the subsequent booklet
Geoff Harris - Preparation of the subsequent booklet

The Churchyard was enlarged in 1906 to include a portion of the Glebe and ground given by Mr. J. H. Gurney.

Churchyard diagram

For the purposes of easier recording, the churchyard was split into six areas A-D + the church interior, as shown on the above diagram.
The records detailed below refer to these areas.

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental Inscriptions

Names of those recorded on Hempstead Monumental Inscriptions
Allard, Georgina
Allard, William Samuel

Allen, John
Allen, Mary Julia
Allen, Philip
Allen, Philip & Mary Julia

Archer, Sarah
Archer, Thomas

Auden, Alfred M., Reverend
Auden, Edith Elizabeth

Auger, Sarah
Auger, Thomas

Barber, Benjamin
Barber, Marianna

Bartell, Frederick

Batchelor, George

Beckett, Agnes
Beckett, Charlotte
Beckett, Joseph

Billing, Daniel

Bond, Elizabeth
Bond, Robert

Brighten, Charles & Mary
Brighten, Richard
Brighten, William

Burnett, Margaret
Burnett, Simon

Burton, Anna

Chestney, James

Clark, Rosina
Clark, Samuel

Dagless, Ann
Dagless, John
Dagless, illegible

Daniels, Mildred Anna

Dann, Bertie Robert
Dann, Daisy Miriam

Dixon, Grandison Abel

Doy, Dorothy
Doy, George
Doy, Lesley

Dudman, John Charles
Everett, Elizabeth
Everett, John
Everett, Mary
Everett, Thomas

Everitt, John

Flaxman, Edmund
Flaxman Frances
Flaxman, James

Fowle, Ann Elizabeth
Fowle, Anna Alethea
Fowle, Claude
Fowle, Edmund
Fowle, Francis Claude
Fowle, Hannah
Fowle, John
Fowle, Samuel
Fowle, Susanna
Fowle, William

Gage, George
Gage, Sarah Ann

Gibson, Mary Elizabeth

Gosling, Robert
Gosling, Sir Francis

Gotts, Dorothy A.

Hagen, Agnes Ann
Hagen, D. W.
Hagen, Daniel William
Hagen, John
Hagen, Marguerite
Hagen, Rachel Mary
Hagen, illegible

Hardy, Ann
Hardy, Eliz
Hardy, Eliza
Hardy, Helen Mary
Hardy, John
Hardy, Richard,
Hardy, Richard & Eliza
Hardy, Richard Claude

Harrison, Elizabeth
Harrison, Mary
Harrison Thomas

Hart, Harry

Hendy, Emma Elizabeth

Hicks, James
Hicks, Wm James

Howard, Matthew Keith

Humphrey, Mary
Humphrey, Thomas
Humphrey, Thos

Jarvis, John & Elizabeth
Jarvis, Lilian
Jarvis, William Frederick

Kemp, Harry Alfred

King, Cyril George

Knowles, John

Leonard, Susan Matilda

Ling, Alfred
Ling, Alice Mabel
Ling, Ann
Ling, Ann Elizabeth
Ling, Benjamin
Ling, Benjamin & Ann
Ling, Charles
Ling, Edmund
Ling, Edmund & Elizabeth
Ling, Elizabeth
Ling, Margaret
Ling, Rebecca
Ling, Thomas

Linton, George Hall
Linton, Harriet
Linton, John Aubrey; Private, Ox & Bucks Light Inf

Lowe, Samuel James

Mack, George Edward
Mack, Gladys Agnes
Mack, Mary Alice
Mack, Richard Henry

Mann, Thomas Edward

Mickleburgh, Margaret
Mickleburgh, Thomas

Money, BeartriceNora
Money, Charles
Money, Charlotte Elizabeth
Money, Eileen Elizabeth
Money, Elizabeth
Money, Emma Sophia
Money, Mabel
Money, Sarah
Money, Sidney Kenneth
Money, Thomas
Money, William
Money, Wiliam & Elizabeth

Moore, Harold Lewis
Moore, Lily Mary

Morgan, Joseph Henry

Newall, Olive Mary

Norman, Phyllis Kathleen

Pointer, Jonathan
Pointer, Martha

Power, Frederick John

Pratt, Anna Maria
Pratt, Benjamin Robert

Reynolds, A. H.

Riches, Ann
Riches, Charles
Riches, Eliz
Riches, Elizabeth
Riches, Mary Ann
Riches, Will

Risborough, John
Risborough, Pheobe

Roy, Alfred
Roy, Florence Mary
Roy, Jack
Roy, James
Roy, James Laurence
Roy, Lily
Roy Sarah E.
Sybil & James

Rudd, Charles
Rudd, Charles Louis M.A.
Rudd, Georgianna E.
Rudd, James Sutterwaite
Rudd, Jane
Rudd, John
Rudd, John Trohear
Rudd, Wm Fredk John

Rump, Charles

Scarf, Emma Louise

Scott, Rebecca
Scott, William & Eliz

Sewell, Ivy Daisy
Sewell, Stanley E. A.

Shirley, Evelyn Philip Sewallis
Shirley, Marian Hamilton Bowen

Tomlin, John Edward

Turton, John Edward

Watson-Cook, James
Watson-Cook, Joan

West, Herbert S.
West, James
West, James; Private Norfolk Regt
West, Richard
West, Sarah Elizabeth

Whistler, Thomas Webster

Wilson, Cyril
Wilson, Ruth

Winter, Ann Adelaide
Winter, James
Winter, Mary Ann
Winter, William Parker

Wright, Jonathan
Wright, Mary
Wright, Mary Ann

Wyer, Amanda Jane
Wyer, illegible

Map 1905
O. S. Map 1905
Courtesy of NLS map images

If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. Please or telephone 07836 675369

Website copyright © Jonathan Neville 2025
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